Let me preface by saying that I will not be a fan of the new team(s) in Los Angeles if its the Raiders or Rams. Ok, moving on...
Recently, plans were announced to start building Farmers Field in Downtown Los Angeles right next to Staples Center (where the Clippers, Kings and Lakers play), and construction would begin as soon as the league put the wheels in motion towards putting a new team in Los Angeles. This was both great news and terrible news, all at the same time.
On one hand, it would fantastic to have a local team to be able to actually see NFL games in person (Yeah, I could go down to San Diego, but there is a 100% chance I'd have to see a Chargers game, and that sounds awful), I'd have a team that I know would be on TV every week, and that I could find merchandise for very easily. (Well, in theory. The Clippers play in LA, but have you ever gone looking for a Clippers shirt? Impossible).
However, there is the tiny fact that I'm a die hard Jets fan. I love the Jets. I love Mark Sanchez, Rex Ryan, and the whole gang (except for Jason Taylor... screw him). I own Jets Jerseys, I have Jets blankets and sweaters. I get the feeling I'll be a Jets fan till I die. Its very unlikely the Jets will be the team moving to LA.
Thus, my dilemma. I'd love to root for the local team, go crazy for them in person and at bars. I'd love to strut around town in an LA Football Jersey (that isn't from the AFL, USFL or XFL, Go LA Xtreme!). But do I turn my back on my beloved Jets? OR, do I become that douche who puts it all in for more than one team per sport? Don't get me wrong, I will cheer for other teams in games/seasons where my team isn't in it... but this is on a totally different level.
I've got a few years to decide, and who knows, the Jets COULD pack their bags and head west, but that seems like an incredibly unlikely scenario. Until then, I've just got this awful decision hanging over my head.
Yeah, I know I said I wouldn't post anything that wasn't Angels Baseball anymore, but my other blog fell flat on its face, and I wanted my loyal readers to know I wasn't dead. Besides, the Angels haven't done anything since they traded for Vernon Wells (Which has not yet been confirmed to be a big April Fools prank, more on that April 2nd). Oh well, Pitchers and Catchers report in a week and a half.