Todays game was a really entertaining pitching duel... up till the dreaded fifth inning. Why does it seem like our pitchers are amazing till the 5th inning? It seems to me like a stamina problem, which would be on the training staff. Also, lets blame the Pitching coaches, and Scot "LOL" Shields. Anyway, after the Tigers took a 4-0 (and later 5-0) lead, it just got depressing.
Verlander retired 23 in a row before Izturis got a single in the ninth. There were a couple more hits, a few "Defensive Interference"'s and a run later... Matsui grounded out to end the game.
Cool Story, Angels
A few thoughts from todays very early (and short) Angel game:
- Aybar isnt taking as many pitches as he was last year, neither is Abreu. We need these guys to start taking more pitches at the top of the lineup if we are going to have a shot at winning the division. I dont care if you strikeout looking, because it seems like you are only striking out swinging 0-2 or 1-2 anyway.
- Weaver looked fantastic till the Tigers got a few bloop hits in that 5th inning, then he got frustrated, like he always does. Why on earth is everyone on this team so predictable?
- I know he is the final link to the 2002 World Series team, but its time to designate Scot "LOL" Shields for assignment. Hopefully he will get picked up by a NL team with a struggling pen, so he can have a mini career resurgence in a weaker league.
Also, I'm watching MLB Network while writing this, the Tampa Bay Rays powder blue unis are pretty awesome looking.
Oh, and Fister is no-hitting the Rangers for the M's right now. There, I said it. Now he will blow it, and Kinsler will hit a bloop single. Eat it, Fister!
Angels Record: 12-14
Outlook: At least we are in a very winnable division.
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