League Leaders in Douchey Fans, overhyped potential and players stolen from the Angels. Oh, also losses. The Boston Red Sox lost again today to push their miserable (glorious, in my eyes) start to 0-6. I don't like to say "They deserve it" but, seriously... they deserve it.
For years, they'd get all high and mighty when talking about the Yankees "Buying a Championship"... so what have they done the last decade? Buy Championships.
Granted, I'm a bit biased, but nothing makes me happier than to see the legion of douchebags in Boston Caps put their heads down in shame after getting swept by the Cleveland Indians. I fully believe this stems entirely from the two shady moves the Sox made this offseason. Between shipping off a bunch of worthless prospects for Adrian Gonzalez and stealing Carl Crawford from underneath the Angels by throwing 20 million more dollars at him at the 11th hour... this is Karma. They deserve it.
The Sox will be fine. They will still win 85-90 games, but this absolutely puts their World Series chances in jeopardy, as well as winning the East, which is currently being dominated by the Orioles, who have started 5-1. If the Red Sox go 0-162, the Angels could go 3-159, and I'd still be the happiest baseball fan on the planet.
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